Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pentecost Sunday

Jesus said, "Call no man you father because you have one father in heaven." There was a role for mothers in the early church, but fathers became like brothers. Mothers can share fully in the inheritance. On Mother's Day we should think about the Church mothers. They are important to the life of every congregation. In Southern Baptist churches you can see the mothers on Sundays. They sit in a pew of honor and they wear large hats. They are honored and respected in their congregation as nurturing leaders. The Holy Spirit: There are two ways of being religious, open or closed. Closed churches will eventually close. Open churches are always ready for transformation, to receive a large variety of people. On that first Pentecost Sunday, these back wood hicks from Galilee were speaking in languages that they didn't learn about God. These were the languages of the whole world. In the first century when someone spoke about God, people listened. God was important then, unlike today. They were not talking about the Kingdom of Israel, but of the Kingdom of God. Openness and inclusion marked the early church and should mark the open church of today. God's importance was understood, but you had to be theologically trained to talk about it. You had to be a prince, priest, poet or lawyer. Today that is not the case at all. But, those who were there at Pentecost listened because was so important.

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